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Property Name:   Almeda Genoa

Up | Almeda Genoa | West Road | Beltway8-Gessner | Crenshaw Center | Restaurant Depot

Photos: click to enlarge

Site Information
Location:  Almeda West Shopping Center
Size:   9000 sq ft
Space Available:    End Cap 9--sq ft
Rate:  $15 - 18 / Sq Ft
Build Out: 
Allowances:  build out negotiable
Pads:  No
Availability:  Immediate
Demographics -  Almeda Genoa Site
1 mile3 miles5 miles
2006 Total Population        12,561         99,547       241,207
Median Household Income $     17,789  $     17,404  $     17,496
Businesses in Area             536           3,808           8,724
Daytime Employment - Employees          5,810         47,487       106,299
Comments:   Will divide. 1st and 2nd generation floor space available.

Additional Images/Photos

Brochure:  Almeda Genoa  pdf file

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Worley Commercial Brokerage Services, 12434 Lago Bend Lane,  Houston, TX 77041 Tel:  713-827-1800  Fax:  832.379.1800 
Office Direct: 281-597-1981 eMail: 
Sales@WorleyCommercial.net  -  website design by:  The Daly Marketing Team